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Maximization of Renewable Energies insertion and energy saving in the Macaronesia Region.

Financed by

INTERREG IIIB (European Cummunity Initiative)

Coordinated by

Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC)



This project with partners of the three different regions of the Macaronesia, started in the year 2003 and continued in October 2004 with the ERAMAC II project, which ended in November 2006.

The specific objectives of the ERAMAC project are:

  • ► To evaluate the renewable energies potential in this area and identify the main problems and possibilities to develop these energies.
  • ► To evaluate energy-saving potential and energy efficiency in the main consumption sectors
  • ► To raise awareness between the population about energy saving and the use of renewable energies.
  • ► Within the project, and with the collaboration of the Tenerife Energy Agency, ITER has carried out plenty of educational activities and of information dissemination about the renewable energies and energy saving which have concluded with the creation of information material focused on neighbour associations, education communities, municipal technicians, construction workers and on the general population.

Key Materials:

"Guide of Bioclimatic Actions in buildings" (Spanish) and the "Good use of Thermal Insulation Guide" aimed at professionals of the sector, available in digital format.

► Download "Energy saving in the domestic sector leaflet" (Spanish) (ERAMAC II) adapted to the island of Tenerife, and aimed at general public. These leaflets have been handed out in neighbour associations throughout the island by collaboration agreements with the different town councils. Available both in digital and printed format.

ERAMAC II (Spanish) adapted to the island of Tenerife, and aimed at general public. These leaflets have been handed out in neighbour associations throughout the island by collaboration agreements with the different town councils. Available both in digital and printed format.

► Download:"Good Advices for Energy Saving in houses" leaflet (ERAMAC I) (Spanish) aimed at general public. Available in digital format.

► Educational Material in CD for Energy Saving Conferences in Elementary and High schools of Tenerife. This material is meant to suggest an "Energy Saving day" at the educational centres in Tenerife to teach students about the importance of their individual contribution. 1000 copies of this CD have been published, which have been distributed in schools in Tenerife, as well as educational and non-formal education centres working with energy issues. To receive this free material, please contact with the following email address: Agencia Insular de Energía de Tenerife (, with the only requirement of being involved with education in any way.

Contents of the CD:

  • ► Video about energy saving steps at home
  • ► Guide of Activities for elementary and middle school
  • ► Common activities that the teacher can adapt to the education level of their students, such as the Simulation Game of the "I Insular Summit about Climate Change" and a Puzzle- Poster about Energy consumption in the classrooms, drawings etc.
  • ► Guide of Contents about energy issues and about energy savings for teachers.
  • ► Bibliography, Games and Educational Kits for teachers; Selection of web links available in the internet such as energy saving on-line games
  • ► Resources: CO2 emission calculators, energy saving computer games, Pictures, posters, leaflets, etc that the teacher can use when planning the Energy Saving Day in their school and class.

Example of the material: download the Activities Guide for elementary school.(Spanish)

Another result of the ERAMAC project in the dissemination of energy saving and renewable energies is the website of the ERAMAC Project started by the ITC, which offers plenty of information for all those people interested in these issues and have no previous scientific knowledge. It also offers updated information for people related to energy issues.

Portal de Energías Renovables y Ahorro Energético