Hydrogen buses for the Macaronesia.
Interreg IIIB, iniciativa de la Comisión Europea
Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias, ITC
Hydrobus is a demonstration project about the technical and economical viability of this innovative mean of transport, that uses technologies related to the production and use of hydrogen. This system will allow to take the advantage of wind resources of the Macaronesian archipielagos for the isolated production of hydrogen, and then its use as a combustible in vehicles.
Isolated production of hydrogen will be used to supply buses that drive through the main cities of the islands, and their touristic areas. It´s wanted to place in Azores and Canarias the first hydrogenerator plants of what in the future will be a great net of hydrogen for vehicles distributors.
On the first convocation of Interreg III-B program, the study and design of required infrastructure, related to this innovative mean of transport, is planned.