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Vista aerea de dos personas caminando por el paseo de la caldera de Masaya, al fondo el cielo

Monitoring of CO2 and H2S diffuse emission in the Masaya Caldera. Nicaragua, América Central

Financed by

Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) - ITER

Coordinated by



The Masaya caldera is located 20 Km at the southeast of Managua and it is the most unusual active volcano of Nicaragua. This basaltic-andesitic caldera forms a volcanic depression of 11.5 x 6 Km diameter. Since its reactivation in 1993, it has undergone a important degasification process, that is characterized by an stable volcanic plume that give off 3.000 tones of carbone dioxide daily.

The works, that the team INETER-ITER developed in 1999, estimated a daily CO2 diffuse emission level of 28.000 tones in the Masaya caldera (Pérez et al., 2000). A geochemical station was installed to do a continous monitoring of CO2 and H2S diffuse emission in the Masaya Caldera on March 2001 . The aim of this project is to improve and optimize the volcanic surveillance works in Masaya. This geochemical station was able to detect a precursor signal of the 4.2 earthquake that took place the 3rd. of September 2002 near Managua.